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An Elven child Omni,

the daughter of Lithônion & Gwenyth was born on the night of the Sowinn. The new moon marks this as the start of the coming year, bringing wealth from the summer's harvest to be divided among the local tribes.


Omni is a very special child, quiet, reserved but playful, her mother's love keeps her safe while her father is embroiled in talks of war.


Born with a strange birthmark on her forehead even the village Seer did not know what her future would foretell. Soon after birth the symbol disappeared, forgotten, only to disguise its true purpose as a dormant power drawn from the moon and stars.


Our protagonist awaits you, help her on a journey to free her village of an ancient evil lurking in the darkness, time is running out and Persethius has many realms to explore.

© 2016 Katie Jackson

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