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Kai is a curious character, he seems to enjoy much of his own company. That being said, he has a couple mischievous friends who like to follow him around.


As a budding scientist, Kai is trying to merge machine with nature, after many failed attempts he succeeds and rumors far across the land start to grow... Making the Adambots fly, they collect Mana and Health plants which produce life saving nectar, he is an asset on the battlefield.


Through Kai's alchemy and knowledge of science he spends the long summer days in his hut concocting potions to bring life to his wooden creations. Some would say Kai's work is his obsession and the reason he lost his memory. How he stumbled into the world of Persethius is a mystery, could it be the chemical substances clouding his mind, or is there a more sinister story to be told... 

© 2016 Katie Jackson

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