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In the planes of Niwoi, two are tied together in blood for all eternity, the boy, Goya, and his tiger spirit. Emi.


As a child hunting, laughing and playing with the animals of the land, Goya came across a young cub trapped by poachers from another tribe. He rescued Emi from the darkness and coaxed her back to life with wild herbs and help from his uncle the village Witch Doctor. The darkness surrounding the cub effected the rest of her pack, they soon left the planes never to return.


Payment for the resurrection did not come cheaply, wandering the deserted lands Goya lives beyond his people, the years roll by... Cursed by the animals who seek power in Persethius Emi's days grow shorter until she can no longer protect her friend from the growing enemies beyond the arc.


Emi's spirit becomes entwined with Goya's and now they are one until his last breath.

© 2016 Katie Jackson

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