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Banished by her own people, the Dark Elf was cast out of her village, like a vulnerable babe she sought comfort in the arms of the deep haunted wood.


As a child she felt different to the other elf-lings, she heard whispers in the night, curious, she began to whisper back. The villagers grew suspicious and some were afraid of the blacksmith's daughter. When their crops failed and the ravens harbored the naked trees, laughing at the creatures below, they blamed her. Hatred towards her turned her once firey red hair to black, her moonlit complextion mirrored her darkening heart.


Late one stormy night, the villagers ransacked the smithery. Locking her screaming mother in the barn, while her father was helping a young elf's horse cross the bridge into town. The rain spat and winds hissed at the mob as they threw her over a horse and raced out into the night.

Blind folded, half naked and close to death, she stumbled from her sleeping captive into the whispering wood. Neither dead nor alive, she became one with the dark and pushed all memory of her past existence out of her soul, locking it away with the light. The whispers led her to an unearthly creature, Nokomist the Moon Witch.


To learn her ways she gave up her name, for whoever knows it, can control her. Summoning the dead to keep her company became a normal pass-time. But now something else is calling her, something that even gives her the Queen of the Night reason to fear it.

© 2016 Katie Jackson

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