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In the beginning, for that is where all good stories start, deep within a sacred forest there lies a glen where a young female Wood Elf has just given birth to a baby daughter, they called her Omni.


In the months to come oblivious of the dangers approaching her peaceful village, Omni blossoms into a curious, playful but reserved child. She carries a mysterious mark invisible to many, a missing link to ancient magic long forgotten by the world of Persethius.


Her mother Gwenyth has sensed her dormant power, she knows that one day she will end up like the other lost children of the Elven Realm. Stirring in the north an evil has over stepped the boundaries of the deserted Persethius planes on path to cross into Omni’s village. A meeting has been held by the Elven council, many wandering tribes were called upon to unite against a common enemy, with a heavy heart the elders decide the only option to protect the Realm was war...


The evil swallowed up rivers, land, beings of all types, and when the young elf's father did not return, Omni’s mother stole away her only child in the middle of the night. They ran against shadow and claw until she could no longer keep the darkness at bay, Gwenyth used the last of her strength to protect Omni with a mist of invisibility as the guards caught up with them.


Now alone she had to push onwards it would be a treacherous path, but the only hope to save her village and people, her mother put her trust in her. After days of hiding in the swamps and marsh lands Omni came across a strange doorway. The stench of damp and decay dispersed, huge tree roots uplifted to let her pass and the arch way lit up as she wearily walked towards it.


Will you join her story?


© 2016 Katie Jackson

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