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OMNI The Game 

Omni is a small indie game project produced by Katie Jackson, this stems from an old childhood story 'Persethius'. Inside this magical world lives a young Elven girl with hidden powers, follow us as we bring her to life through illustrations, snippets of the story, 3D and 2D animations. 


The premise of this project is to learn more about making a 3D level and tying it into a series of books which will add story and adventure as we delve into how to make a game. Follow the progress here, it may be a 3D model, a sketch, an animation, a new character perhaps. This is a space to interact with a professional Games Artist as I seek out new techniques learning how to create a game solely through my own knowledge and tutorials. Join me and feel free to post any comments or questions!


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© 2016 Katie Jackson

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